9 Amazing Horse Pumpkins

9 Amazing Horse Pumpkins

After a lifetime of drawing horses on everything I could get my hands on, I have a hard time carving a jack’o’lantern with a face, a witch, a cat, or really anything other than a horse!

My horse pumpkin carving skills can’t hold a candle (haha) to these beautiful works of art though! Enjoy these spectacular horse themed pumpkin carvings. I hope they inspire your Halloween decorating this year!

1. Headless Horseman Pumpkin

Headless Horseman Pumpkin Carving for Halloween

2. Elegant Dressage Horse Pumpkin

Elegant Dressage Horse Pumpkin Carving for Halloween

3. Celtic Fire Horse Pumpkin

Celtic Fire Horse Pumpkin Carving for Halloween

4. Carousel Horse Pumpkin

Carousel Horse Pumpkin Carving for Halloween

5. Spooky Skeleton Horse Pumpkin

Spooky Skeleton Horse Pumpkin Carving for Halloween

6. Washington's Horse Pumpkin

Washington's Horse Pumpkin Carving for Halloween

7. Pretty Arabian Horse Mare and Foal Pumpkin

Pretty Arabian Horse Mare and Foal Pumpkin Carving for Halloween

8. Gypsy Horse Pumpkin

Gypsy Horse Pumpkin Carving for Halloween

9. Painted Pony Pumpkin

Painted Pony Pumpkin Carving for Halloween

Not up to the task of designing your own horse pumpkin carving? Here are some stencils to help you get it just right! http://www.pumpkincarvingonline.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/09/horse.pdf http://images.darkhorse.com/darkhorse/index_images/blog/pumpkin/DHPCT2012DHLOGO.jpg

Do you have a fantastic horse pumpkin to share? Let us know about it in the comments! Also, the approach of Halloween is a good reminder that it’s time to get our paddocks ready for winter! If you are battling a mud situation or losing your paddock footing each year, check out our permanent mud management solution: Lighthoof Equine Mud Management Panels.

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