A Hospital Visit for Sofia the Rescue Horse

A Hospital Visit for Sofia the Rescue Horse

Our rescue project horse, Sofia, had a good visit at the veterinary hospital today. We took her in to scope her throat, sinuses, and guttural pouches and see if there is any remaining sign of infection.

Sophia being scoped at the vet clinic.

She was such a brave girl! She loaded into the trailer without hesitation and rode like a dream. Then when we arrived she unloaded nicely and walked right into the hospital room for the procedure. Sofia is such a trusting and obedient girl, we just can't get over her.

The great news is that the scope showed no signs of residual infection! Everything looked clean and healthy. This horse was a trooper for the procedure, not fussing at all. And she's almost as pretty on the inside as she is on the outside!

The vet flushed out her guttural pouches and took samples of what drained out. This goes to the lab for testing. Cross your fingers for healthy results. If they're negative for the infection, and a second test a week later shows the same results, then Sofia can finally come out of quarantine! We can bathe her in the warm wash rack and start with ground training and conditioning!

Stay tuned for test results!

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